Welcome to the home of the Vision & InterAction Group (Vintage)
Led by Dr. Stefan Winkler, Vintage's research focuses on perception-based computer vision, image processing and video analysis.
Vintage is part of the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The group has its origins at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) - now Illinois Advanced Research Center at Singapore, with funding from Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and National Research Foundation (NRF).
News & Events
[13-May-2024] 4 students join us for their MSBA Capstone projects.
[3-Nov-2023] Giving an invited talk at the Korea AI Summit in Seoul about transforming healthcare with AI.
[1-Nov-2023] Honored to be nominated APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leader 2023. Giving a talk at the APSIPA ASC 2023 Industrial Forum in Taipei on the topic of "AI for Human Well-Being".
[14-Aug-2023] Neeladri Bhuiya and Anand Subramanian join us for their FYP and Masters project, respectively.